Ellen Jacobson
Ellen has a passion for helping students reach their academic potential and personal goals. She believes that although we are all on the same journey, we each will take a different path. It has been her privilege for twenty-six years as a High School Counselor to help her students find that path and take that step to their post-secondary education. In her experience, she holds that with accurate information and the necessary organization the process need not be intimidating. There is a right place for every student as far as admissibility, “feel fit”, and cost.
Ellen grew up in the city of Chicago on the Northwest side and attended public schools. She earned her BA in English and Psychology at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois. After teaching high school English and Psychology, she earned her Master’s in Human Service and Counseling from DePaul University in Chicago. Ellen joins CBC after thirty-three years in education. School has always been her favorite place, so it makes perfect sense to continue that conversation with encouraging others.
In her free time, Ellen can be found walking, reading, gardening, attending book group, knitting group, and bible study group. She and her husband have two sons who work in the Engineering field, both graduates of the University of Illinois. Ellen’s happy place is on a pontoon boat floating on a small lake in Michigan planning her next trip.

In the summers during college, Ellen worked for her church camp leading backpacking and canoe trips. Canoeing down the St. Croix and Namekagon Rivers, responsible for the health and welfare of a group of people, taught her just how strong physically and emotionally she could be and instilled in her a lifelong love of the outdoors.